March 21, 2011


Monday, March 21, 2011 Relief Projects India
Karen from Australia is currently volunteering at the Mercy Home and being a super big help with the babies. Last month, Heidi, also from Australia, was a great help in the nursery. (The baby she was holding has since been adopted by a lovely family!)

March 17, 2011

Self-help group meeting

Thursday, March 17, 2011 Relief Projects India
Here are some photos of one of the meetings of our local self-help group set up by SHE. Each woman pays a small amount into a common account each month. When they reach about $200 they then become eligble for an interest free loan from a local bank. The women can then take a loan to be invested. One lady wants to buy 2 goats to start a flock; another one wants to take advantage of a free tailoring course being offered and then take a loan to buy a sewing machine. We hope this initiative will improve the income of these desperately poor families.

March 13, 2011

Bottle Contact

Sunday, March 13, 2011 Relief Projects India
Yesterday we went to visit a local manufacturer of a well-known brand of baby bottles and he agreed to sell us baby bottles at cost price, which represents a big saving. Thank you to 'Princy India' for their willingness to help and to Samir for your donation which covered the first purchase.

March 12, 2011

Activities for the elderly

Saturday, March 12, 2011 Relief Projects India
The elderly residents of the Mercy Home have now started some craft activities to keep them occupied. (For those of you who don't know this, the Home also rescues abandoned old folk and currently houses 31 old people.)The women are making lovely artificial flowers and the men are making little bags from old newspapers which are used here by the medical shops.